Kaal Dhairya Announces Shibarium Network Developments and WBONE Contract Details

Kaal Dhairya Announces Shibarium Network Developments and WBONE Contract Details

September 3, 2023

Earlier today, Kaal Dhairya, a developer working on the Shiba Inu (SHIB) project, published a blog post to update the community on several important developments.

He began by congratulating the ShibArmy for achieving a milestone of one million wallets and nearly one million transactions. Dhairya emphasized that they aim to maintain Shibarium as one of the fastest and most cost-effective Layer 2 networks.

One of the first major updates is the availability of the hosted version of Blockscout explorer on Shibariumscan (aka “Shibarium Explorer”). This move allows the protocol team to concentrate on network improvements while the Blockscout team ensures the explorer remains functional and the blockchain is fully indexed. Dhairya urged users to utilize this explorer for conducting their own research and for verifying any new or existing smart contracts deployed on the network. He also mentioned that they plan to promote projects built on Shibarium soon, and for that, contract verification through Blockscout is essential.

Dhairya provided the verified WBONE contract address and announced that several additional tokens have been mapped to the bridge. These tokens, visible in the user interface, include USDT, USDC, DAI, WBTC, and xFUND.

The developer also revealed that they are working with various third-party bridges to facilitate the bridging of many other tokens into Shibarium. Additionally, he disclosed that they plan to renounce the BONE contract within the week and will be adding more validators to the network.

Lastly, Dhairya stated that the primary focus of the Shib team going forward would be to innovate and build technologies on top of Shibarium. He encouraged the community to develop on Shibarium, expressing that it would be a matter of immense pride if the next significant innovation is founded on their platform.

Featured Image Via Midjourney

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