Woman claims she was 'strip-searched by police left naked in cell'

Woman claims she was 'strip-searched by police left naked in cell'

July 28, 2023

Woman claims she was ‘strip-searched by police in Birmingham and left naked in cell for 16 hours’ – after another woman accused Manchester officers of ‘stripping, drugging and sexually assaulting her in custody’

  • Sinead Foley, 37, said she ‘felt totally violated’ after she was ‘forcibly’ undressed
  • West Midlands Police has claimed no offences were committed by officers 

A woman claims she was strip-searched by ‘savage’ police in Birmingham and left naked in a cell for 16 hours, reports have emerged. 

Sinead Foley, 37, told Sky News she ‘felt totally violated’ after she was ‘forcibly’ undressed and left on the holding cell floor with only a mattress as cover following her arrest in November last year.

Ms Foley, alleging she was ‘compliant’ with police, told the broadcaster that she pulled the mattress over herself to ‘try and cover my modesty’. She branded the entire experience as being ‘totally inhumane’.

West Midlands Police claimed no offences were committed by officers, adding that they ‘took a number of steps to ensure her safety while she was in custody’, Sky News reported.

The force alleged that officers were unable to provide Ms Foley with clothing after the search because she was exhibiting ‘aggressive behaviour’ – which she reportedly denies – and considered a ‘risk to cause herself harm’.

Ms Foley’s allegations against West Midlands police come as another woman accused Greater Manchester Police of drugging and sexually assaulting her while in custody. The force has referred itself to the independent police watchdog while continuing to deny any wrongdoing.

Sinead Foley, 37, claims she was strip-searched by ‘savage’ police in Birmingham and left naked in a cell for 16 hours. Ms Foley is pictured during the search

Ms Foley (pictured) told Sky News she ‘felt totally violated’ after she was ‘forcibly’ undressed and left on the holding cell floor with only a mattress as cover following her arrest in November last year

Ms Foley’s allegations against West Midlands police come as Zayna Iman, 38, accused Greater Manchester Police of drugging and sexually assaulting her while in custody. Ms Iman is pictured in the holding cell

Ms Foley, who allegedly obtained CCTV of her time in custody through a subject access request, told Sky News the footage shows her being undressed on the cell floor by female police officers.

During the search, Ms Foley claims she indicated to officers that she was having suicidal thoughts.

She said she was then strip searched again and left naked on the ground for about 16 hours without any anti-rip garments. 

Ms Foley further claims that while in the cell naked, a male officer was also in the cell with the door shut. She alleged she only had a ‘blue mat’ to cover up with. 

‘You can see I’m compliant, so there’s no need to be dragging people’s clothes off forcibly. It’s totally inhumane,’ she said of the CCTV footage. ‘It just felt like they could violate me, and they’re allowed to do it.’ 

The force told the broadcaster that during the search officers had become ‘increasingly concerned for her welfare’ and took action to ensure Ms Foley’s safety.

‘It became necessary to arrange medical attention and to remove her clothing due to concerns for her safety and mental health,’ West Midlands Police said. 

Ms Foley, who allegedly obtained CCTV of her time in custody through a subject access request, told Sky News the footage shows her being undressed on the cell floor by female police officers (pictured)

Ms Foley claims she indicated to officers that she was having suicidal thoughts. She said she was then strip searched again and left naked on the ground for about 16 hours without any anti-rip garments. Ms Foley further claims that while in the cell naked, a male officer was also in the cell with the door shut. She alleged she only had a ‘blue mat’ to cover up with. Ms Foley is seen with what appears to be the blue mattress

‘She was given blankets and water, but custody staff were unable to provide her with food and replacement clothing initially due to her aggressive behaviour and risk to cause herself harm.’

Ms Foley was arrested and later released without charge. Police told the news outlet that as ‘in line with our data retention policy’, video of her sleeping overnight has since been deleted from force systems.

MailOnline has approached West Midlands Police for comment. 

Ms Foley’s allegations came to light after Zayna Iman, 38, said she found herself half-naked and face down in a cell after she was suspected of taking a drugs overdose.

Video footage obtained by Ms Iman shows her being put onto a mattress by three female Greater Manchester Police officers, who then take off her jeans and cut off her underwear. The force said she was given anti-rip garments because of welfare concerns.

CCTV shows the officers put her in a pair of custody shorts and leave her alone and topless in the cell. 

Sky News alleges there are three hours of footage missing from the 40-hour detention, which the force has failed to supply. 

GMP told MailOnline on Wednesday that it had submitted a challenge against Sky News’ coverage. The force said there was currently no evidence to suggest any employees had committed a criminal offence.

CCTV footage shows three female officers taking off Ms Iman’s clothes, leaving her topless in a cell, face-down on a mattress 

Ms Iman alleges she was stripped, drugged and sexually assaulted while being held in custody for almost two days 

GMP also claimed they had not been given a sufficient right of reply. The force said they gave a statement to Sky News a week before the story appeared and they felt they ought to have been contacted again for an up-to-date response before it was aired. 

Speaking with Sky News, Ms Iman, who waived her right to anonymity, said: ‘Instead of providing an unconscious female with medical attention they thought, ‘I know let’s take her clothes off instead and leave her there.’

‘It’s just something that the police do for their own perverse kicks.’

Police officers entered Ms Iman’s home in the early hours of February 5, 2021, as part of a welfare callout concerning a woman high on cocaine. She was then arrested after knocking a female police officer’s glasses off her face.

In the 40 hours that followed, she was taken to and held at a police station. 

Medical records show evidence of sexual injuries, Sky News reported. 

Former chief superintendent of GMP Martin Harding, who has seen the footage available, told the broadcaster he believes Ms Iman was raped.

While some footage is available of Ms Iman’s time in custody, there are allegedly three hours of footage missing which Greater Manchester Police failed to supply

Greater Manchester Police have referred themselves to the independent police watchdog.

The force’s Deputy Chief Constable Terry Woods said in a statement: ‘I want to make it absolutely clear that we understand and share the concerns of the public regarding allegations against Greater Manchester Police which were aired in a television report [yesterday].

‘Miss Iman’s allegations regarding her treatment in custody, in February 2021, are subject to an ongoing investigation.

‘The force made a referral to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) which instructed a GMP-led investigation.

‘Having reviewed the content of the television report which highlights additional concerns, I have taken the decision to make another referral to the IOPC in order to assure Miss Iman and the public that all of her allegations will be rigorously and independently reviewed.’

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