The torrent of shocking allegations against Huw Edwards…

The torrent of shocking allegations against Huw Edwards…

July 13, 2023

The torrent of shocking allegations against Huw Edwards… including a new claim he had targeted BBC staff

  • Huw Edwards’ wife Vicky Flind tonight named him as the accused BBC presenter

It was Huw Edwards’ own BBC News colleagues whose revelations added to an ever-growing torrent of shocking claims.

Until everything changed at the last moment today, evening news bulletins were planning to lead on further allegations of inappropriate behaviour, this time towards staff within the BBC.

It would be the second time in 24 hours that BBC News had broken developments in the story about their senior colleague.

Sitting in Mr Edwards’ own chair on News At Ten on Tuesday night, his stand-in Reeta Chakrabarti informed the nation about claims the star – not then named – had ‘threatened’ and ‘bullied’ a young person he had met on a dating app with allegedly menacing messages.

Then tonight, there was a further wounding blow from BBC reporters who revealed claims of inappropriate behaviour to staff. It was the fifth case to come to light in as many days after The Sun newspaper broke the story about payment for photos on Saturday.

Police have made it clear there is no evidence of any crimes. While Mr Edwards has not made any direct comment, his wife stressed tonight: ‘Once well enough to do so, he intends to respond to the stories that have been published.’

It was Huw Edwards’ (pictured in April) own BBC News colleagues whose revelations added to an ever-growing torrent of shocking claims

20-year-old ‘drug addict’

This was the first person to be linked to the star. The Sun reported claims from a worried mother who said the presenter had paid their child £35,000 over three years for sexually explicit photos.

Last Saturday, the paper quoted the mother as saying the individual had used the money to fund a crack cocaine habit, and she was worried her child could ‘wind up dead’.

The mother and stepfather of the alleged victim, who they said was 17 when contact with the presenter was first made, and is now 20, went to police in South Wales this April to report Mr Edwards, but were told there was no crime.

Last Saturday, the paper quoted the mother as saying the individual had used the money to fund a crack cocaine habit, and she was worried her child could ‘wind up dead’

A month later, they complained to the BBC, ‘begging’ it to make the presenter cease payments.

The Sun said it was only after hearing nothing back, seeing the presenter still on screen and finding a further £1,000 payment to their child, that they approached the newspaper, which said they did not ask for money for the story.

A lawyer representing the person later disputed the allegations, describing them as ‘rubbish’.

Indivdiual in early 20s

The BBC broke the news of the second individual on Tuesday night, saying they had alleged the presenter had pressured them to meet up after they found each other on a dating app.

READ MORE: Huw Edwards hit with fresh claims of ‘inappropriate behaviour’ from his own BBC colleagues over ‘suggestive messages’ just minutes after wife reveals he is star at centre of ‘sex pics’ scandal: Staff claim presenter ‘abused power’ over junior co-workers 

The person told the corporation’s journalists they felt threatened by ‘expletive-filled messages’ the ‘bullying’ broadcaster sent. The conversation moved to another online platform where the presenter revealed his identity, telling the youngster not to betray him to anyone, it was said.

They were ‘put under pressure to meet up, but never did’, BBC News reported, adding: ‘When the young person hinted online they might name the presenter, they were sent abusive, expletive-filled messages… and had been scared by the power the presenter held.

‘They said the threats made in the messages had frightened them – and they remain scared.’

BBC News said the new allegations of ‘menacing and bullying behaviour by the high-profile BBC presenter raised fresh questions about his conduct’.

In the News at Ten studio, special correspondent Lucy Manning told Chakrabarti she had been able to verify the threatening messages were sent from a phone number belonging to the suspended presenter.

The BBC broke the news of the second individual on Tuesday night, saying they had alleged the presenter had pressured them to meet up after they found each other on a dating app (Stock Photo)

‘Covid lockdown’ friend

Another individual claimed in The Sun yesterday the star had broken Covid lockdown laws to meet them.

Mr Edwards was alleged to have travelled to the 23-year-old’s home in February 2021 – while restrictions prevented people from meeting anyone outside their household or bubble.

The young adult said they met the presenter in November 2020 on a dating site and the TV personality had travelled across London to another county to meet them at their flat in February 2021.

Days after Britain’s third national lockdown was announced on January 15, 2021, the presenter reportedly messaged the person on WhatsApp to say: ‘I’ve been as patient as I can. I’m not used to being turned down like this.. Sorry.’

On February 18, the star allegedly travelled on public transport from Paddington to Liverpool Street and on another train out of London to meet the 23-year-old, who told The Sun: ‘He came round for an hour. I was quite shocked that he broke the rules to come and meet me because of who he is. I was just a random person online. We just chatted. He was obsessed with me making him a cup of tea.’

Another individual claimed in The Sun yesterday the star had broken Covid lockdown laws to meet them (Stock Photo)

Love hearts to 17-year-old

A fourth young person claimed the presenter had sent them ‘creepy’ messages with kisses and love heart emojis when they were just 17.

The Sun also published extracts from a conversation the presenter allegedly initiated on Instagram in October 2018.

The paper said messages contained love heart emojis and kisses. The youth, now 22, told The Sun: ‘Looking back now it does seem creepy because he was messaging me when I was still at school.’

Fifth set of claims

Tonight the BBC revealed claims of ‘suggestive’ messages sent to BBC employees. The news on Radio 4 said they were part of ‘yet more allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards BBC employees past and present’.

Ms Manning said: ‘A BBC employee said they had this year received suggestive messages on social media from the presenter. They believed the messages were inappropriate especially as the presenter was a much more senior colleague.

‘BBC News has seen the messages which refer to the BBC staff members appearance and they are flirtatious.’ She said the employee wanted managers to be more proactive speaking to younger staff who worked with the presenter.

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