Terrifying moment 'XL bully' attacks another dog in the street
December 19, 2023Terrifying moment ‘XL bully’ attacks another dog in the street before turning on pet’s owner as horrified neighbours jump to the rescue
- The young owner is dragged across the residential street as the hound runs free
This is the horrific moment a tiny dog is savaged by a Bully-style mutt – who wags his tail as the desperate owner attempts to drag his pet from the beast’s jaws.
In terrifying footage, the young man is dragged across the residential street as the hound runs free, brutally attacking his black and white puppy.
The terrifying scene continued despite neighbours jumping to the rescue – with one even throwing a metal barrel at the beast in an attempt to drive it off.
The owner, father-of-one Josh Hymas from from Mansfield, near Nottingham, claimed the animal broke out of its owners’ house before his puppy, Ralph, was attacked.
In the horrifying moment where the hound pulled at him on the floor the 33-year-old says he thought his dog was dead – and lay on him in a desperate attempt to stop him being torn to pieces.
He said: ‘So just minding my own business and then been attacked by this horrible massive dog! My dog did nothing to provoke this other dog!
The owner, father-of-one Josh Hymas from from Mansfield, near Nottingham , claimed the animal broke out of its owners’ house before his puppy, Ralph, was attacked
In a futile attempt, the owner quickly tries to pull his pet out of reach and spin it away, but the huge dog plucks it from midair
In terrifying footage, the young man is dragged across the residential street as the hound runs free, brutally attacking his black and white puppy
One neighbour tries to help, throwing a metal oil drum-style planter at the beige dog, hitting it on the back – but it appears to have little impact
‘It’s broke out of the house it lives in and attacked me!
‘Luckily this wasn’t a child walking their dog or an elderly person! This dog need putting down!’
Shared by regulation advocates BullyWatchUK, the group claim that the hound is a three-year-old beast that has been recently rehomed as his former owner begs on social media for a new owner to take him on.
On December 31 breeding, selling, advertising, rehoming, abandoning and allowing an American Bully XL to stray will be illegal – and any without a certificate of exemption will be seized by police.
The black and white French Bulldog dog is being walked on a lead as the huge dog sprints into view, immediately locking his jaws into the defenceless dog.
In a futile attempt, Mr Hymas quickly tries to pull his pet out of reach and spin it away, but the huge dog plucks it from midair.
In a horrifying battle between man and beast the owner then attampts to wrestle his dog back from the huge mutt, with a woman in a patterned matching outfit quickly coming over in an attempt to help
When the man eventually manages to get free, he is chased by the Bully-style dog, which evades capture and launches itself repeatedly at the terrified pup – before he finally manages to get to safety
It was finally pulled away from the home by the woman in the patterned outfit, who drags it off by its collar around the front of the house
In a horrifying battle between man and beast Mr Hymas then attempts to wrestle his dog back from the huge mutt, with a woman in a patterned matching outfit quickly coming over in an attempt to help.
As the man is pulled to the floor by the enormous hound, others come out of their house to watch as it attempts to wrestle the small dog from the man’s grasp.
It digs in its back legs as it tries to pull it backwards, pulling Mr Hymas around on the floor.
Another neighbour then tries to help, throwing a metal oil drum-style planter at the beige dog, hitting it on the back – but it appears to have little impact.
When the man eventually manages to get free, he is chased by the Bully-style dog, which evades capture and launches itself repeatedly at the terrified pup – before he finally manages to get to safety.
It was finally pulled away from the home by the woman in the patterned outfit, who drags it off by its collar around the front of the house.
One viewer reacted in horror at the scene, saying: ‘What gets me every time is how much fun they look like they’re having when they maul another dog or person.
‘You can see the pure joy of doing exactly what they are bred to do. None of the fear or anger usual in other dog attacks.’
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