Schoolchildren now want to identify as holograms, headteacher reveals

Schoolchildren now want to identify as holograms, headteacher reveals

June 22, 2023

Schoolchildren now want to identify as HOLOGRAMS, Britain’s strictest head reveals – as she warns parents that teachers are allowing pupils to self-identify as cats, horses and dinosaurs amid rise of the ‘furries’

  • Katharine Birbalsingh said she was aware of students identifying as cats 

Britain’s strictest headteacher has said children allowed to self-identify as animals, moons and holograms should be moved to another school by their parents. 

Katharine Birbalsingh, founder of the Michaela School in west London, said she was aware of a child at one school who identified as a gay male hologram – and at least one school where a group of students identified as cats. 

She claimed the ‘issue’ was widespread but that people are unaware because teachers are ‘not allowed to tell you’. 

The headteacher, who said she has no pupils identifying as animals at her own school, said it is a ‘societal problem’ where teachers and parents have allowed children to lead the way. 

Her comments come after a recording revealed the moment a schoolteacher branded a Year 8 pupil ‘despicable’ after they rejected a classmate’s claim that she identified as a cat.

Katharine Birbalsingh, founder of the Michaela School in west London

The 13-year-old pupil said she was made to stay after the class at Rye College in East Sussex on ‘life education’ by the teacher, who can be heard in a secret recording calling her view that gender is binary ‘really despicable’ and ‘very sad’.

In the three-and-half-minute recording, the angry teacher is heard speaking to two girls and says they would report the children to a senior colleague, and they needed a ‘proper educational conversation about equality, diversity and inclusion’.

Read more: Moment furious teacher berates pupil for questioning classmate’s claim that she ‘identifies as a CAT’

Ms Birbalsingh says parents should act quickly if schools tolerated children wanting to be recognised as animals. 

She told the Telegraph: ‘As a society we have lost our way. Teachers and parents have allowed children to lead the way and adult authority has completely dissolved. 

‘We are scared of our children, we are scared of our responsibility of leading, and we are shying away from our duty of looking after our children.

‘For parents of children who are allowed to behave like this in classrooms, I think they need to move schools quickly. I don’t want to blame the school, because I think it’s society’s problem, but there will be schools that are more tolerant of this kind of behaviour and schools that are less tolerant.’

Earlier this week she tweeted: ‘Some weeks ago- I gave this speech at the ⁦@NatConTalk conference. I spoke of children identifying as cats. 

‘I was told on Twitter many times that I was lying. Now, everyone can see that what I was saying was true.’

She also retweeted a tweet from a parent which said: ‘A girl at my daughters school identifies as a Wolf. It’s real. A fact. I doubt she is the only person in the UK.’

Ms Birbalsingh said she knew of schoolchildren identifying as cats – not at her school 

The 13-year-old pupil said she was made to stay after the class at Rye College in East Sussex (stock image)

Rye College was bombarded by thousands of angry social media messages after the recording of the anonymous teacher and two pupils went viral.

A spokesman said they would make sure ‘such events do not take place in the future’.

He said: ‘We are committed to offering our pupils an inclusive education. Teachers endeavour to ensure that pupils’ views are listened to, and encourage them to ask questions and engage in discussion. Teachers also aim to answer questions sensitively and honestly.

‘We strive to uphold the highest standards across the school. We will be reviewing our processes and working with the relevant individuals to ensure such events do not take place in the future.’

It is understood the girls will not be punished and the school regards the matter as closed.

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