Man shot dead at Derby police station thought to be European refugee

Man shot dead at Derby police station thought to be European refugee

October 9, 2022

Man shot dead at Derby police station after he infiltrated secure car park wielding ‘samurai-like sword’ is believed to be a middle-aged Eastern European refugee

  • An unidentified man shot dead at Derby police station is thought to be a refugee
  • The IOPC today said the man had no identification on him and no family link
  • A source at the IOPC said maybe an Eastern European refugee living in a hostel 
  • The man was shot after infiltrating a car park, wielding a ‘samurai-like sword’ 

A man shot dead at Derby police station after infiltrating a secure car park wielding a ‘samurai-like sword’ is believed to be a middle-aged Eastern European refugee.

As police attempt to establish the man’s identity, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) today said the man had no identification on him and no family link.

The man has been described as white, middle-aged, possibly Eastern European and maybe a refugee staying in a nearby hostel.

The IOPC source said there was an issue with identification and that it may take some time to find out as they current have ‘no idea who he is’, according The Telegraph.  

A man shot dead at Derby police station after infiltrating a secure car park wielding a ‘samurai-like sword’ is believed to be a middle-aged Eastern European refugee

As police attempt to establish the man’s identity, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) today said the man had no identification on him and no family link (Pictured: the scene of the shooting in Allenton, Derby)

The man was gunned down after breaching a secure car park and smashing the windows of parked vehicles.

The scene of the shooting – in Allenton, Derby, was cordoned off last night for forensic examinations.

A local resident said he was told the suspect had a weapon ‘like a samurai sword’, adding: ‘Apparently the intruder was initially Tasered but that didn’t overpower him so they had to shoot.’

Six shots were heard by Mark Baxter, who works at a nearby motor firm.

‘I was in reception with my colleague when there was suddenly a series of bangs,’ said the 59-year-old. ‘We looked at each other and knew instantly it wasn’t a car backfiring. There were two sharp blasts, two shots afterwards, a little delay and then two more shots.

‘We went outside and a lot of police officers were there. We saw there was someone on the ground with a guy stood over him with a gun, a police officer with a rifle and then they shut the road off.’

The man has been described as white, middle-aged, possibly Eastern European and maybe a refugee staying in a nearby hostel

Deputy Chief Constable Kate Meynell (pictured) said the shooting was not believed to be linked to terrorism

Mr Baxter said a customer told him the suspect was shot in the entrance to the police station.

‘A woman ran out of the police station and said “Do not let anyone past the entrance in any circumstances”. Another person said they saw police pick up a knife from the road.’

Deputy Chief Constable Kate Meynell said the shooting was not believed to be linked to terrorism.

A spokesman for East Midlands Ambulance Service said it received a call reporting a ‘medical emergency’.

The IOPC said its investigators were on the ground, obtaining initial accounts from police officers involved in the incident. A spokesman added: ‘We can confirm at this stage that a knife has been recovered from the scene.’

Ascot Drive police station was opened in April alongside a community fire station in an area with shops, garages and workshops. Shoppers at the neighbouring B&M Bargains store were asked to leave the building.

A passer-by, who did not want to be named, said: ‘We heard people shouting “Put it down, stop, put it down” then a series of really loud gunshots, five or six. You couldn’t believe it was happening, it was like something from Line of Duty.

‘There was a short gap, just silence, then another shot. Then more police arrived. They were everywhere, and the road was cordoned off.

‘It was pretty terrifying. We locked the door straightaway. From what we heard, it sounded really serious.

‘There is never really any crime around here because it is an industrial area, apart from the odd burglary.

‘So it makes you think the police station must have been deliberately targeted for some reason.’

Drone images showed a smashed glass door at the police station along with bloodstained clothes. A pair of black boots and a jacket lay on the road by the gates surrounded by bandages, tourniquets and open syringe packets. 

The man was gunned down after breaching a secure car park and smashing the windows of parked vehicles

Derbyshire Constabulary said armed officers were called to the scene after a man was seen ‘armed with a knife in the secure car park’ of the police station.

A spokesman added: ‘A police firearm was discharged. The man, whose identity is unknown, sustained a gunshot injury and East Midlands Ambulance Service were requested to attend.

‘Officers administered first aid until paramedics attended the scene, and he was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead.

‘As is standard procedure in such situations Derbyshire Constabulary’s professional standards department has informed the Independent Office for Police Conduct.’

The force said it was trying to identify the dead man. No one else was injured.

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