Locals describe life on rat-infested litter-lined street in Manchester

Locals describe life on rat-infested litter-lined street in Manchester

June 1, 2023

Life on the litter-lined street where rats run riot and people dump their rubbish: Locals ‘feel let down and neglected’ by the council over ongoing vermin infestations caused by fly-tipping

  • Manchester council say they are aware of the issue and are acting
  • Residents and councilors believe the infestations are a result of fly-tipping 

Locals who live on a litter-lined street in Manchester where rats are running riot have described being ‘let down and neglected’ by the council’s response to the disturbing infestation.

Footage shows the rodents scuttling between bags of rubbish on Rusholme Grove, Rusholme, Manchester, with the council saying it is ‘working to tackle’ the issue.

Residents believe the cause of the rodent invasion is due to a spate of fly-tipping in the area.

One resident of 13 years, Yasmin Rakha, 40, said: ‘We’re being known for the ‘rodent-infested’ street because of other people dumping their waste.

‘We’ve tried to fight this issue in the past to no outcome. Neighbours don’t feel as though things will change. 

‘The community has been asking for change for years, we feel let down and neglected but still hoping for something to be done. We need CCTV to stop people dumping their rubbish.’


Rodents have been feasting on rubbish left by fly-tippers

Councillor Lee Ann Igbon blamed ‘incorrect waste management’ for contributing heavily to the issue

Yasmin Rakha, who has lived in the area for 13 years, said the infestation ‘makes you feel dirty’

‘It’s embarrassing to live here – the video speaks for itself.’ 

‘It makes you feel dirty,’ Mrs Rakha added. ‘My house is clean and tidy, but we woke up at 3am last night after a mouse got into our kitchen and tripped the alarms. We are looking to move, that’s how sick and tired we are.’

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Manchester council has said it is aware of the problem and has been ‘implementing measures and treatments’ in the area for the last few months.

A statement from the council read: ‘Rats are unhygienic and unpleasant for local people and we therefore take pest control very seriously. 

‘Rusholme is receiving additional targeted treatment from our teams to help the issue.’

Another local resident, who asked not to be identified, said: ‘We’re two streets away from the Curry Mile and within a day of bin collecting our waste is overflowing from people and businesses fly-tipping their rubbish onto our streets.

‘That’s what’s attracting the rodents, and it’s us that lives with it. The stench is so horrific we can’t leave our windows open anymore.’

The vile infestation has prompted a number of locals to take matters into their own hands, laying down poison as part of an effort to kill off the invaders, as frustrations grow over the pace of the council’s reaction to the problem.

‘We’ve put poison down but it’s not enough to clear the rodent infestation, nor is it our job and responsibility,’ Mrs Rakha added.

Another neighbour, Nyla Ali said: ‘We’ve been fighting a losing battle with the rubbish dumping and the vermin that comes with it. 

The rodents have been spotted scuttling around the bags of rubbish on parts of Rusholme Grove, Rusholme, Manchester

Local residents have been forced to lay down rat poison themselves after growing frustrated with the council’s response

I’ve had to get a cat to keep them away. If you come out onto the road (the rats) will walk beside you.’

As a means of response, residents have been offered subsided rat treatment plans by the council, which called on fly-tippers to stop.

‘We’d like to remind residents and local businesses to remain vigilant about their waste and waste removal, as incorrect waste management is one of the factors that can lead to pest problems.’

Councillor Lee Ann Igbon, Executive Member for Vibrant Neighbourhoods added: ‘Unfortunately, incorrect waste management is a large contributing factor to rodent infestations. 

‘It is totally unacceptable for rubbish like this to be dumped in alleyways. Not only is it unhygienic, it is unsightly and unfair on residents who dispose of their waste responsibly.

‘I’d like to remind residents and local businesses to remain vigilant about their waste and waste removal. If anyone sees any fly-tipping in the area, please report it immediately to the council on the council.’

The change in rat infestations across local authorities in 2022 compared to a year earlier were revealed earlier this month

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Research published earlier this month shows the full extent of how rodents are running riot across the country, with infestations reaching 618 a day – and up by 90 per cent in some areas of London.

Swansea tops the table, with the number of infestations last year reaching a total of 16,767.

The London borough of Southwark saw a whopping 90 per cent increase in the number of rat invasions when compared to a year earlier.

The data suggested that local authorities in total are spending an estimated £36million tackling rodent infestations each year.

Almost one in five local authorities provide pest control services to residents for free.

For those households that don’t qualify for discounts, councils typically charge £80 for pest control related services.

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