Writers Get Creative With Picket Line Slogans: “What Would Larry David Do?”

Writers Get Creative With Picket Line Slogans: “What Would Larry David Do?”

May 2, 2023

There’s no reason why writers can’t have a little fun while hitting the picket line, right?

Protesting over past and future lost wages is serious business, but leave it to Hollywood scribes to find the levity in the most dire of situations. Besides trying to keep spirits up among the rank and file by printing up special strike shirts and recommending restaurants that are offering WGA discounts, the writers are also finding clever ways to make their picket signs more than just, well, plain old picket signs.

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“What would Larry David do?” asks one. (Who knows, maybe hide in his house?)

“Pay your writers or we’ll spoil Succession!” (Way harsh, Tai!)

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Someone also created an image of black smoke coming out of the top of the WGA building, while one writer asked on Twitter, “What if I told my landlord this month I’m just going to pay mini-rent?”

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Here’s a sampling so far:

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