European Economic News Preview: UK Inflation Data Due

European Economic News Preview: UK Inflation Data Due

September 26, 2023

Consumer and producer prices data from the UK is the top economic news due on Wednesday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 2.00 am ET, the Office for National Statistics is set to publish UK consumer and producer prices for August. Economists forecast inflation to rise to 7.0 percent from 6.8 percent in July. Output prices are expected to fall 0.6 percent, following July’s 0.8 percent decrease.

In the meantime, Destatis releases Germany’s producer prices for August. Producer prices are forecast to fall 12.6 percent annually after easing 6.0 percent in July.

Also, the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association issues new car registrations data for August. Sales had increased 15.2 percent annually in July.

At 3.00 am ET, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs is slated to release Swiss quarterly economic forecast.

Also, European Central Bank executive board member Fabio Panetta is set to speak at a joint workshop of European Independent Fiscal Institutions and the ESCB in Frankfurt.

Half an hour later, Andrea Enria, chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB will deliver opening remarks at the ECB Supervision Innovators Conference in Frankfurt.

At 4.00 am ET, industrial production and producer prices figures are due from Poland. Economists forecast industrial output to drop 1.7 percent on year in August, slower than the 2.7 percent decrease in July. Producer prices are seen easing 2.6 percent after a 1.7 percent drop.

At 5.00 am ET, ECB’s Isabel Schnabel is set to speak on current aspects of monetary policy at an event in Frankfurt.

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